Work with us Lisa and Roy are both multitalented people and can work with you in many different ways. Take a look at our maintenance and Holiday Services and contact us when you need help.Do you want to sell our products in your shop? Give us a call! Roy van der HorstARTSIllustratorGraphic art (etching, monotypes)PaintingsMuralsSculpturesLook at his WEBSITE: royvanderhorst.nlMAINTENANCEPainterGardenerHandyman, builder, decorator, restorer Lisa GoudzwaardCREATIVEwebdesign in WordPresscopywriter websitesgraphic designPROJECTmanagementorganisationproductionLook at her WEBSITE: lisagoudzwaard.nlFOODfood and health therapistchef cooking teacherspeaker for schools and eventsblogger MORE WEBSITES OF LISA’S FOOD AND HEALTHWORK /