
First night out

In the first weekend in november we went for our first trip to test the camper. There was a lot to be done and to check, was it waterproof? Did the gas work, could we cook? The simple things. We drove to Brussels and parked at a parking in Tervuren, next to the entrance of the Arboretum of King Leopold. A beautifull parc/forest with a large variety of pinetrees. King Leopold seemed to be nog kosher, to say at the least, but he did leave us in this century a great parc!

It was a rainy day, not very special, but that didn’t matter, we only wanted to test the camper. When we arrived Roy began to do some diy in the camper, we didn’t have any food with us and so we went on our bikes to the villagecenter to do some shopping. And in Brussels they speak both French and Dutch, and the food is slightly different then in Dutch supermarkets, more culinairy and so we had a great meal. The bad thing about old Belgian cities is the cobblestones everywhere. They look very charming, but with the bike you are all shaking! The other thing is that we, as Dutch people are not used to hills and mountains so our little bike trip downhill for just 2 kms, was allready quite a climb, which actually a good thing for our muscles, but we need to train, because we will cycling much more hills in the future!

In the camper everything worked very well! There was no need to turn on the stove, so we have to test that on the next trip. We were happy as little children when we woke up on sunday and we went for a walk in the arboretum, afterwards we drove to the parc of the Africa museum, more King Leopolds pride, we didn’t visit the museum because we didn’t have time, we had an appointment with my four sisters and my mother to visit the textile museum in Tilburg.

So all in all, a perfect weekend!

Here we go!
From the parking to the woods
Working in the kitchen
Huge trees
slippery logs
sequioa 120 yearso ld
Like a fairytale.
Earrings from seeds

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